New Graduate Student Orientation - Spring 2015

New Graduate Student Orientation - Spring 2015

By NYU Tandon School of Engineering - Office of Student Activities & Resource Center


NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering

6 Metrotech Center Brooklyn, NY 11201


To open registration access, please select "Enter promotional code" and enter your 9-digit NYU N Number.

This registration serves as your RSVP for the New Graduate Student Orientation (NGSO) Spring 2015.

Please keep in mind that it is MANDATORY to register for BOTH the Student Affairs and Graduate Admissions Check-in. Please be sure to select '1' in the number of tickets drop down menu for BOTH Student Affairs Check-in and Graduate Admissions Check-in to register successfully.

While going through the registration process you will prompted to answer a series of questions. Please note that the time limit for completing the questions is 20 minutes only and that the system will timeout. If you are unable to complete the registration in that time frame or if you accidentally close your browser before finishing the registration process, you can go back to the registration link again and register. Note that in any such case, you can use your N number as the promotional code again after 20 minutes.

For more information and updates on the New Graduate Student Orientation (NGSO) Spring 2015 please visit:

If you have any problems, questions or concerns please email

Organized by

The NYU School of Engineering Office of Student Activities and Resource Center (OSARC) exists to support the academic goals of the School by providing services and programs designed to enhance and maximize students’ co-curricular educational opportunities. All programs and services are designed and implemented with the aim of creating a rich educational environment, infused with the core values of: community engagement and civic responsibility, diversity and cultural competency, innovation and creative thinking, interpersonal and leadership development, and connection to the global network university. OSARC strives to increase student satisfaction in Brooklyn, assist in the retention of students leading to graduation, and provide opportunities for students to develop essential life skills.

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